GOST Russian National Standards |
RD Recommended Practices |
GD Government Decree |
SNiP Construction Codes and Regulations |
GOST R National Standards of Russian Federation |
SP Design Guidenances |
GGTN Russian Federal Mining And Industrial Inspectorate |
RusRWS Railway Standards |
NPB Fire Safety Regulations |
FZ Russian Federation Laws |
PB Safety Regulations |
REG Russian Government Regulations |
RFS Russian Financial System |
SanPiN Sanitary Norms and Regulations |
OST Industry Specific Standards |
VSN Industrial Construction Standards |
Others Others |
GN Hygiene Regulations |
PUE Russian National Electric Code |
SN Building Codes |
RCR Russian Customs Regulations |
CU Custom Union |
STO SO Innercompany Standards |
MDS Methodical documents in construction |
VNTP Industry-specific Norms on Technical Design |
GTN Federal Technical Inspection |
RDS Construction Guiding Documents |
RLD Regional Legislative Documents |
MI Measurement practices |
GKINP Geodetic and cartographic guidelines, codes and regulations |
PRF President of Russian Federation |
PND Environmental Protection Standards |
POT Occupational Safety Regulations |
VN VNE Industry-Specific Standards |
SEV Comeon Standards |
VU Industry Guidelines |
MGSN Moscow Construction Regulations |
MPOT Occupational Health and Safety Rules for the Operation of Electrical Installations |
MU Recommended Practices |
RusFedMin Russian Federal Ministries |
TU Specifications |
RusFedServ Russian Federal Services |